Charism and Spirituality of the Heart
We believe that Jesus’ compassionate Heart reveals God’s unconditional love for every human being and all of creation. Belief in God’s unconditional love, which is the remedy for the ills of society, transforms our own hearts. We draw strength from the pierced Heart of Jesus as a source of new life and the birthplace of a new world. We trust in the Holy Spirit who empowered Jesus Christ to love people unconditionally with a human heart. We also believe that the same Spirit enriches our hearts with gifts of love, gratefulness, joy, courage and faithfulness, as well as respect for every human being and creature. In Mary, honored as “Our Lady of the Sacred Heart”, we discover a mother, who leads us to the Heart of her Son, and forms us in living a Spirituality of the Heart. Our motto is: “May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be loved everywhere.”